What are you struggling with?

There are many reasons you may be struggling with debt, but the important thing to remember is that you are not alone – there is always some form of help for you. There are various types of debt solutions available in the UK that are designed to help you get on top of things. It’s worth taking the time to learn about these, as well as the complications that can arise with the debts you may be dealing with. We have listed some of the most common types of debt and how these work below:

Getting Debt Help

The various debts we have outlined above is not exhaustive, but it does cover some of the main types of debt you may be dealing with.

Priority Debts Vs. Non-Priority Debts

Debts are generally categorised as ‘priority’ and ‘non-priority’ debts. This idea is self explanatory – priority debts must come above non-priority ones.

They are considered this way because priority debts, such as mortgage and utility bills, carry much more serious consequences if you do not pay them.

Once you have made your payments to your priority debts, you should then start to look at your non-priority ones. The order in which you then decide to pay these is down to you, but it’s worth addressing the ones that carry the highest interest rate first, so that the total amount you owe does not spiral upwards. 

Click “DEBT HELP” to start your journey, one of our friendly team will then be in touch to give you all the information you need to deal with your enquiry and refer you to one of our regulated associate experts.