Dealing with debt can cause a lot of stress

It’s one of the most stressful life events you can go through, so during this time, it’s also essential to ensure you’re looking after your mental health, as your financial situation can significantly impact this.

When your debts are building up, you may find it difficult to concentrate on anything else, especially with other life events, but it’s important to know that you are not alone. 

Click “CONTACT US” to start your journey, one of our friendly team will then be in touch to give you all the information you need to deal with your enquiry and refer you to one of our regulated associate experts.

Signs that you may be struggling

Take some time to check in with yourself and how you are feeling. Common symptoms that debt may be taking a toll on your mental health include:

Steps You Can Take

‘Breathing Space’ and Mental Health Crisis Support

One of the most recent schemes introduced by the government for those in debt is ‘Breathing Space’.
There are two options for Breathing Space – one for anybody struggling with debts and the second for those receiving Mental Health Crisis Treatment. It involves interest, charges and creditor contact being paused for the duration. This is 60 days for Standard Breathing Space, and Mental Health Breathing Space will last as long as your treatment.

Will I Be Able To Qualify?
To qualify for any Breathing Space, you must not be undergoing any other solution for your debts – e.g. Debt Relief Order, IVA etc.

You must also be situated in England or Wales. 

How Do I Apply?

For Standard Breathing Space, you apply through a Debt Advisor.
For Mental Health Breathing Space, you should apply through a Mental Health Professional.
Someone else may apply for this for you, and likewise, you may apply for someone you know to be struggling with their debts and receiving treatment for a mental health crisis.

People who are eligible to apply on someone else’s behalf include:

  • A carer
  • Mental Health nurses
  • Social workers / other social care professionals
  • A representative of the person in debt
  • Approved Mental Health Professionals
Click “DEBT HELP” to start your journey, one of our friendly team will then be in touch to give you all the information you need to deal with your enquiry and refer you to one of our regulated associate experts.