Complaint Policy

Complaints can be expressed verbally or in writing (whether by email or post).
Consumers who wish to complain (complainant) are encouraged to provide details about themselves so that we can directly attempt to redress the potential problem.
Complainants are also encouraged to advise the Company in regard to what action they would like us to take to resolve their complaint.
A complaint can be logged by phone , or by email or in writing to  First Floor, 349-351, Bury Rd, Tonge Fold, Bolton BL2 6BB

Complaints Received

Any complaint which is received from a consumer whether verbal or otherwise is treated in the strictest confidence and requires immediate attention.
Once received, a complaint will be assigned to a Complaints Officer and it is their role to oversee the process of dealing with the complaint in a fair and appropriate manner.
We will maintain a log of complaints to ensure that results of investigations are forwarded to the client and the senior management team of credit counsellor ltd.

Complaint Responses

The consumer who has logged the complaint will be sent a written acknowledgement of the registered complaint within 3 working days of receipt.
A copy of this complaint’s procedure will also accompany the acknowledgement.

Investigation of Complaints

Investigations of complaints received will be conducted by the Complaints Officer by collating all evidence which may include (but not restricted to) recorded calls, emails, written correspondence, internal or external processes relating to the complaint.
This process can take up to 14 working days and therefore a written final response will be sent to the complainant within that time. If we are not in a position to provide a final response within 14 working days, we will tell you when you can expect to receive a final written response.
We have up to eight weeks beginning the day after we received your complaint to send you our Final Response.

Complaints Resolution

4.1 As a data subject, you have the following rights under the Data Protection Regulations, which this Policy and Our use of personal data have
Following the issue of the Final Response the Complaints Officer will hope to resolve the issue with the complainant based on the findings.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome or the way that your complaint was handled, then you have the right to refer your complaint on to an appropriate body.

credit counsellor is a free to use website that provides information on Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA’s) and Debt Management Plans (DMP’s).
credit counsellor does not provide advice but gives information on solutions, you will be given the option of being referred to an FCA Regulated Firm for a full advice call where you would choose a debt solution best suited to your circumstances.
There is no obligation to proceed into any arrangement, and you can also use any other services of your choice.
credit counsellor does not charge fees for the information provided which are obligation-free. Should you choose an IVA, there are fees for setting up and ongoing management. We may be paid a referral fee if you opt for a solution from one of our associates. 

We may pass you onto a FCA regulated debt advice firm for a full advice call who would look into a range of options for you, May not be suitable in all circumstances fees may apply.
We are a debt help lead generation organisation & may be paid a referral fee from the FCA regulated firms.